About US
Registration :
Sanjivani Medical Training Centre has registered with the different govt.
department as per the govt. norms which are as follows:-
1) Indian Society Act, 1860 Reg. No. MAH/1090/Ahmednagar Dt. 19/12/1985.
2) Under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950, Reg. No. F1050/A.nagar Dt. 29/01/1986.
3) Under Indian Income Tax Act 1961, Reg.No. NSK/Tech/12(A)a/91-92/7 Dt.
4) Pan Card Reg.No. AAQF59063D Dt. 28/01/2986.
5) Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976. Teg.No. 083720071 Dt. 31/12/1990.
6) State Family Welfare Department, Dai Training Reg.No. RKKK/DT/SMTC/Offi-
10/199/2734549 Dt. 16/07/1999.
7) Maharashtra State Vocational Examination Board, Ref.No. MSVEB/O2/Recog. 2010-11/1776 Dt. 11/06/2010.
8) Govt of Maharashtra Department of Women and Child, Balsadan, Recog.WCDC/Plan/Balsadan/Recog/2000-01/Off-5A/3536 Dt. 17/03/2001.
9) Govt of Maharashtra Department of Women and Child, Balsadan, Recog.WCDC/Plan/Balsadan/Recog/2006-07/Off-5A/4548 Dt. 07/07/2006 (Exten).
10) Govt of Maharashtra Department of Women and Child Balsangopan Recog.WCDC/BSS/Recog order/07-08/Off-4/13332/ Dt. 09/05/2007.
11) Juvenile Justice (Child Care & Protection) Act 2008, Regist. Cer. No. 0726 Dt. 03/12/2010.
12) Planning Commission, Govt of India Reg. No. 00001718.
13) Field NGO, RCH, Health Ministry, Govt of India, New Delhi.
14) Akhil Bhartiya Prakritik Chikitsa Parishad, New Delhi. Affiliated and Recognized.
15) Assistant Labour commission, Ahmednagar Reg. ALC/Nagar/606/2008.
16) Etheducation Pune University AB 555.
Our Vision
Rural Area Development and child safety and education.
Our Mission
mission to provide qualtiy health and education in rural area.
We need you and your help
It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteer who love to help.